They should be paying a lot of penalties to those affected until they fix this dangerous bug. People do all kind of crazy stuff if they didn't think they did anything wrong. It could result in somebody getting shot.
The best part about this is that the use of robots will decrease the use of chemicals. That's awesome for humans and the environment.
I can confirm. I taught myself to code and built a business on it. I didn't even start young. First time touched a computer I was 19.
Amazing! Evolution eventually finds a solution to the most vexing problems.
Good primer on the silly statistics used in food studies designed to convince you to become a vegetarian.
3 Nano Meters!! A couple of years ago 10nm felt unattainable. This is so cool!
With brains the size of sesame seeds, honeybees have to work together in different capacities to maintain a healthy nest.
We need to re-evaluate energy sources properly. Nuclear power generation has resulted in the fewest deaths. They don't show death from Wind turbines accidents
A major Greenland glacier that was one of the fastest shrinking ice and snow masses on Earth is growing again, a new NASA study finds.
I'm sure they'll find a way to blame this on global warming.
I'm sure that climate alarmists can explain this...
Not holding my breath.
This correlates with my personal observation. In the last thirty years in eastern Canada, it hasn't gotten any warmer in any personally detectable manner.